Saturday, October 14, 2017

Time to Move

 "Don’t adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. 
Someone else always has to carry on the story."
Bilbo to Frodo 
Book II of The Fellowship of the Ring 
by J.R.R. Tolkien

This quote, which represents the theme of this blog, also summarizes this post.

It is time to carry this blog to a different home where it will find new adventures.

With some help from some fellow students, I'm finally creating a website. It will be a website and blog combo on WordPress.

In the next few days, I will transfer this blog to its new home on my website. Don't worry though, you can follow me there as well. It will have a cleaner display better organized. All my posts, pictures, comments, etc will be imported into my website for easy access.

I also hope to set up a way to connect this blog address to my new website. Therefore, if this link is clicked it will redirect you to my new blog on my website.

In case this doesn't work or it takes me a few days to figure out, I will link my website below so you do not miss any of the action.

Please note: my website is currently undergoing major construction and does not have much content. Hopefully, in 7-10 days it will be fully functioning and ready for viewing.

The goal is to make this blog easier to find, so I can develop a larger group of readers. It is one step further to reaching my dreams.

I thank you for your patience as we make this change, and I thank you for being faithful readers of this blog.